I never knew I liked writing so much! Maybe I should have taken English literature instead of Mechanical Engineering in school?! Anyway, I really regret not having started blogging earlier. In July of 2009, I started The Catholic Investor blog. Ever since I started seriously investing, I found that I had so many ideas regarding the topic and really wanted to share them. However, I didn't feel it was right to bomb my close friends with emails about something in which they may not necessarily have too much interest. And quite frankly, I wouldn't mind earning a few bucks from putting ads on a blog! So, I started blogging. After almost a year and a half, I have a steady readership (of which I'm fairly surprised and grateful for). But something was missing...
What is it? When my boss's father-in-law, who was an artist, passed away, in the funeral home was displayed the paintings that he had painted during his lifetime. My boss told me that this collection of paintings left a very tangible legacy of his father-in-law. It was something his children and grandchildren can look at years from now and remember that these were the masterpieces of their (grand)father. This made me think. What will I leave behind to my children and grandchildren as my legacy? I wanted something more than just memories, as even the most precious ones will fade with time. What more can I leave to them than my own personal thoughts and a record of things that happened in their father's life, which will no doubt involve their own lives as well? This will be my gift to them.
The first post of this blog was actually a note I wrote on my Facebook page a couple of days after Adele was born. I wrote it while Renee and her were sleeping soundly in the hospital room. That was the beginning of my blogging journey, and so, it is appropriate for me to put that note in this blog.
And so, here begins a new page in the journey of my life...actually, our lives (Renee, Adele and me, and who knows how many more to follow). I don't know who will eventually stumble onto this blog, but if no one else other than my family reads it, I would still be so very grateful and glad.
My Blog
December 27, 2010
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